What Is the Best Way to Make Your Own Shampoo?

The simplest and easiest way to make your own shampoo is to add ½ cup baking soda to 3 cups water. Mix well and shampoo your hair. This formula will remove residual products from your hair and leave it squeaky clean. We recommend using this formula no more than 3 or 4 times a month as it is drying to your hair.

Some people use a thick paste version of this shampoo, but we’re a lazy lot around here and find the liquid version more to our taste.

Either way, thick paste or liquid, you should try the formula first then decide if you prefer to add a rinse after you wash your hair.

How to Make Your Own Basic Everyday Herbal Shampoo

What you will need:

  • 2 – 8 tablespoons liquid castile soap (start with 2 and increase as you desire)
  • 1 cup of distilled water
  • ¼ cup fresh herbs or 2 tablespoons dried (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil (optional or you may substitute other oils such as apricot kernel oil.)
  • 3 drops essential oil for scent (optional) – lavender is a favorite.

To make:

1.  Make an herb tea by pouring the 1 cup of water boiling over the herbs.

2.  Cover and let steep for 30 minutes.

3.  After the 30 minutes, strain the liquid herb “tea” into a bowl,

4.  Add castile soap, oil and essential oil and mix thoroughly.

5.  Pour shampoo into a plastic container with a spout or into a clean shampoo bottle.
You’ll be hearing a lot about herbs and their benefits and uses on other posts. However, for now, consider using equal parts rosemary, sage, and nettles. If you have oily hair, you can also add dried lavender.

If you make your own shampoo you have 100% control over its ingredients and you can customize it to fit your needs and preferences.

Now go have fun and relax.

Related articles:

Homemade Conditioner – Colloidal Oatmeal

Super Easy Homemade Shampoo

Waterless Shampoo

Aloe Vera Gel for Hair

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