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Colloidal Oatmeal – A Really Really Simple Bath for Dry Itchy Skin

Sometimes even goddesses have itchy skin. It might be because she is plagued with dry skin, eczema, psoriasis or a rash caused by poison ivy or another contact allergen. It might also be caused by those pesky mosquitoes or other insect bites. Whatever the cause, try a soothing oatmeal bath to calm that angry skin.

The perfect colloidal oatmeal bath

It’s really easy to create a colloidal oatmeal bath. First, however you need to make or purchase the colloidal oatmeal. It’s easy to make, simply put some regular oats in a coffee grinder and turn them into very fine flour.

Add enough of your colloidal oats to your bath to turn the water a milky color. Be sure and use a non-stick mat in your tub as oats will make it very slippery. Soak in the bath for 10 minutes and rinse with warm, not hot, water. There will be some particles in your bath water which I don’t mind. If you choose, you can avoid that by putting the oats in a sock. Tie off the open end and allow the warm water to flow over it as you fill the tub. After the tub is filled, squeeze the sock to force the “oat milk” into your bath. You can opt to take two or three colloidal oatmeal baths a day if you have an itchy rash.

You can also add 1 1/2 teaspoons lavender essential oil which is good to help with eczema, psoriasis and allergies. Plus, lavender essential oil adds a delightful fragrance to your bath.

Pat your skin dry with a towel when you get out of the tub. If you rub your skin, you will irritate the itchy areas and make them itch worse. Bad juju.

Other uses for colloidal oatmeal:

Nature knew what she was doing when she created oats. They’re good for us when we eat them (click here [4] to check out this yummy granola recipe) and good for us when we bathe in them. They’re good for babies, pregnant women and almost everyone else. They’re even good for our pets. To top it off, they’re relatively inexpensive. Wow! How cool is that?

Now go have fun and relax.