Foot Massage Oil Recipe


A foot massage can be relaxing, rejuvenating, improve the bodies circulation and can even be sensual.  When you massage your feet, you want a non-greasy foot massage oil recipe. We just say no to any risk of a slip and fall for our goddesses. For this reason, it’s important to select a recipe using oils that absorb into your skin.

The best oils to use in your foot massage oil recipe in order of preference:

  1. Fractionated coconut oil
  2. Jojoba oil
  3. Apricot kernel oil
  4. Sweet almond oil

Relaxing Foot Massage Oil Recipe


1/4 cup carrier oil from above list

3 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

3 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil

3 drops Lavender Essential Oil


NOTE: Make your massage oil two or three days before the planned massage.

  • Place ingredients into an amber or cobalt bottle large enough to hold the oil. Cap the bottle and mix ingredients by gently shaking.
  • After 24 hours, uncap bottle and give it the sniff test. If the fragrance is too strong for your taste, add 1 to 1.5 tablespoons (15 to 22ml) more carrier oil. Again shake gently.

It’s easy to amend this recipe to your specific taste. You can use only one or two essential oils rather than three in your foot massage recipe. You might also substitute geranium essential oil (another great oil for stress relief) all by itself by adding 9 drops to the carrier oil. When you substitute essential oils, keep the total number drops the same.

Now go have fun and relax.

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