Red Tea, White Tea, Green Tea – A Comparison

Part of any beauty regime for a diva should include tea. However, deciding what tea is best can be a bit of a trick. We’re going to clear up the mystery so our divas can decide whether they should buy red tea, white tea or green tea by comparing them.

It’s interesting to note that red tea isn’t actually a true tea at all. True teas such as black tea, green tea and white tea are true teas that come from the Camellia sinensis plant indigenous to China, Tibet and northern India whereas red tea or Rooibos (an African slang word for “red bush”) comes from the plant Aspalanthus linearis indigenous to South Africa.

All true teas including green tea and white differ only in the way the leaves are processed. For instance, an oxidation process is used to create black tea. This reduces the polyphenol content of the tea and its health giving properties. In making green tea, the leaves are steamed and dried thus preserving the polyphenols. White tea has the least processing time and only the buds and younger leaves are used. That is probably the reason for its amazing benefits. Preliminary studies have found white tea to have considerably more antioxidant properties than green tea.

Now let’s talk about green Rooibos (red tea). There are two forms of Rooibos green and regular. Green Rooibos tea is steam distilled and is of most value for its health benefits as compared to the fermented variety. Green Rooibos has 100 times more antioxidants and 10 times more aspalathin than regular Rooibos tea. It has less fluoride, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and fluoride and tannins than true tea and it is caffeine-free. However, it’s considerably higher in polyphenols than green tea. Red tea is particularly good for your skin as it protects your skin’s proteins, particularly elastin and collagen.

Tea preparation

When you prepare tea to drink, never boil it. Bring water to a boil and add to teapot or cup which contains the tea. You can add cream and/or honey or sugar to make a wonderfully delicious and healthy beverage. Raw honey is best to use as it imparts its own set of benefits.


Use both white tea and Rooibos tea in your daily diet. The health benefits of Rooibos range from treating acne, eczema and psoriasis to amazing anti-wrinkle properties. Both white tea and Rooibos are strong antioxidants. These two teas taste nothing alike, Rooibos has a fruity taste and white tea has a mild sweet flavor. Note: Green tea is more robust in flavor, just how robust depends on the variety you use.

Now go have fun and relax.

4 thoughts on “Red Tea, White Tea, Green Tea – A Comparison”

  1. Hi I’m anaemic and I need a tea with very low tannin, so white, green, aor rooibos? And is there a safe amount one can drink like a cup a day alternating the two? I also have the start of osteoporosis in my spine is this caused by drinking a lot of green tea? I heard that it can be bad on bones…

    1. Rooibos tea has the least tannin content. If you drink tea 15 to 20 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after eating, the tannins shouldn’t interfere with iron absorption.

      Anemia has a number of causes including the inability to properly absorb nutrients. I would suggest looking at this possibility with your doctor, particularly since you also are exhibiting signs of osteoporosis.

      You might also consider researching ways to increase the absorption of the nutrients you consume. There are a number of factors, way too many for me to cover here.

      We love you and want you to be one of our happy healthy goddesses. Keep in touch and let us know how you’re doing.

    1. Absolutely. It might be a good idea to taste the teas individually first because each has a different flavor. I like them all particularly when I add Manuka honey.

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